The 10 Scariest Things About Fire Suite

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작성자 Alejandra Slaug…
댓글 0건 조회 13회 작성일 24-09-08 03:38


Add Warmth and Style to Your Home With an Oak Electric Fire Suite

If you are looking to add an attractive focal point in your home without the necessity of a chimney, look into an electric fireplace made of oak suite. It is easy to plug into and positioned against a wall. It also features an energy-efficient 2kW fan heater as well as LED lights that can be used all year round.

modern electric fire suite design

This electric fire set-up has a stunning, modern design that will bring warmth to any home. The suite comes with a simple-to-install Freestanding fireplace Suites fireplace, a surround that includes a hearth, back panel and hearth pad. The suite is available in two sizes and can be installed on the wall to create a contemporary look or can be placed on the floor for a more traditional appearance.

The Ravensdale electric suite is a beautiful feature for any home and can be customized for any room. It has an exquisite verona white grey electric fireplace suite finish with a stunningly built fireplace mantelpiece, as well as an electric stove built-in that will impress your guests. If you are looking to improve the ambience of your living space, this fireplace can be customized with a variety of lighting options to create the perfect mood.

Elara is another great alternative. It is an attractive design that can be adapted to various decors. The suite comes with an integrated heating feature which is ideal for those who have to keep warm throughout the winter. The Elara is easy to put together and comes with metal legs for a more minimalist appearance or the base to create a more luxurious look.

If you're seeking a more refined electric suite that includes the Pureglow Kingsford limestone fireplace 50" Surround and hearth, as well as back panel, as well as a stunning Pureglow Electric fire (the Zara Full Polished electric fire is shown in the photo) is available with either Coals or Logs for a low price.

The Elgin & Hall Vitalia Marble Electric Suite is a stunning statement piece that has a grand presence to it. Available in a Soft White painted finish, or a natural micro marble, it will be a perfect fit for traditional and contemporary decor. This surround has ornate bevelled details and an integrated widescreen, electric fire that has a real-looking log bed. It is a floor standing unit that can be mounted flat to the wall and is simple to install.

Easy to install

A plug-in electric fireplace suite is a simple addition to any home, with no need for a chimney or a flue. It's also less expensive than installing a traditional wood or gas fireplace suite. Certain models can be built into a wall to give an elegant appearance.

The right fire suite will make a big difference, whether you want to transform your living space into a relaxing space, or to create a modern electric fireplace suite look in your kitchen. The most important thing is to choose the right model to match your style and décor and making the installation as straightforward as possible.

One of the most well-known options is the Genoa Oak Suite, which perfectly blends modern and classic elements. It includes an oak fire-surround made of solid oak, a selection Marble Hearth & Back Panel Sets, as well as a modern Elgin & Hall Pryzm Chollerton Electric Fire that is designed to sit perfectly on the wall.

Avanti's revolutionary Chromalight technology gives you an amazing array of light effects that can be controlled using an app or a remote control. Choose from six pre-defined combinations of mesmerising flame effects and lighting or create your very own combination.

The Adam Monet Fireplace Suite is attractive and modern, with an elegant natural oak surround that is paired with an elegant 2kW inset electrical fire. The lines of the oak surround are minimalist in design that contrasts with the white bowl and ember bed to create a sleek, clean look. The surround is available in a variety of widths so you can choose the best one for your home.

Some electric fires made of oak can be customised with mantel and hearth that are raised, but you should check with your supplier to find out more details. You may also need a permit for the project and could incur an additional fee. It is important to consider the electrical requirements of your space. The majority of electric fireplaces require that there is a minimum of two feet between combustible material and any studs. You should consult the manual for smaller clearances.

Aesthetically pleasing

The attractive appearance of an oak electric fire suite makes it a great addition to any home. The wood can be matched to the decor of the room and can add warmth. It is also a more energy-efficient alternative to traditional log or gas burners. It uses infrared technology that allows you to warm the room and reduce energy costs. It is safe to use since it produces no toxins or pollutants.

r-w-flame-electric-fireplace-mantel-wooden-surround-firebox-freestanding-fireplace-home-space-heather-adjustable-led-flame-remote-control-750w-1500w-ivory-white-367.jpgThis fireplace collection from Pureglow combines modern efficiency with traditional features. It is available with a 54-inch or 48-inch surround, and includes ambient lighting that is low-energy. The natural oak finish is a perfect match with the interior decor of your home and fits into any standard 13-amp plug socket. It can be put in a wall that is flat without chimney which makes it a great option for small spaces or apartments.

Flametek Brooklyn electric fireplace suite is another option. It is a unique mix of traditional style and features. The elegant fireplace has the traditional oak shelves, a bevelled fire hearth and complements the traditional style of the suite. The fireplace is simple to install and can be operated by remote control. The 2kW power output is adequate for the majority of rooms. The Optiflame visual effects provide an authentic flame and coal bed.

This suite also includes a built-in fireplace, a log storage, and a TV cabinet with a glass front. The attractive design makes the perfect centerpiece for your home theater and will make your guests jealous of your entertainment center. This set comes in various finishes to complement your home's decor, and it comes with a reputable warranty.

If you're considering an electric fire suite made of oak ensure you measure the area where you're planning to put it. It is important to consider the dimensions of the fireplace and the furniture you intend to place in the room, as well as any other restrictions that might make it impossible to install a fire suite. If you're not sure about the measurements, consult an expert at the local retailer of fireplaces. They can help you decide the best options for your home.


A complete fireplace, an electric oak fire suite comprises both the electric fire and the wooden surround. This kind of suite can provide instant heating and is ideal for wall-to-wall installation. They can be found in various styles, allowing you to select the one that is best for your home. You can also find various marble back and hearth panels which makes it simple to alter the look of your fireplace.

If you are looking for a multi-functional option, consider the Gallery Askham 54aEUR light oak fireplace suite. The fireplace comes with a variety of back and hearth panels, which add layers of depth to its light oak veneer surround. This allows you to mix and match any style of decor from modern to tradition.

Windsor Solid Oak Electric Fire Suite is a beautiful blend of modern and traditional styles. The Windsor Solid Oak Electric Fire Suite features the modern Stamford Solid Oak Surround along with a selection Marble Hearth & Back Panel sets as well as the BeModern athena electric fireplace. The Stamford surround embodies modern aesthetics, with a capped shelf and minimalist design. Solid oak provides the warmth and texture. Windsor suites can be further customized using various colors for both the back panel and hearth. This provides you with a range of options that will complement your interior style.


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