20 Things You Need To Know About High Variance Slots

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작성자 Russell
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High Volatility Slots

High volatility slots require a bigger bankroll and patience. The chances of winning a large payout are relatively low, but they do exist. Players will have to endure a number of dry spins until they land a life-changing winnings.

Low variance slots provide frequent wins, but the payout amounts are smaller. They are great for those who have a limited budget and want to gradually build up their account.


Some players are more inclined to win small amounts of money regularly, whereas others prefer to wait for lengthy periods of dry spells as long as they have the chance to win the jackpot. No matter what your preference, you should choose the right game for your bankroll. High variance slots require a larger budget, so if you're not comfortable with the risk, it might be best to stick with low volatility games.

The best method to determine the risk of an online slot is to examine the pay table. You can use the paytable to determine how much each symbol pays in combinations. The more volatile the game, the more you can be sure to win however this does not mean you'll never have plenty of empty spins.

You can also determine high-volatility slots by looking at the size of the winnings. If the slot has a lot of smaller wins, its RTP and payout frequency will be higher than a low-volatility slot.

When deciding on which online slot to play, you should be aware of other factors. The first is the player's budget. If you have more money, you can play the more risky games. However, be prepared for prolonged dry spells. If you're a casual gambler and want to play games that are low-risk and have frequent wins.

The other aspect to take into consideration when choosing a casino online is the payment methods it provides. Certain casinos allow you to deposit and withdraw using credit card, while others don't offer this option. Make sure to review the terms and conditions of each website carefully before you begin playing.

The best online slots with high volatility are those that offer an array of winning opportunities, including Megaways and Cluster Pays. These slots offer a variety of ways to win, including extra reels, wild symbols, and multipliers. They also have large jackpots and payouts that are the highest. However, not all of them are worth the effort however, since they have high RTPs but have low payout rates.


If you are playing high-variance slot games there is a higher risk but the payouts are significantly higher. These games are great for those with a large bankroll and want to bet large amounts. High-risk slots can be more thrilling and rewarding, but they also require patience. The management of your bankroll is essential for sustainable gambling and can help you avoid the need to chase losses.

Slot machines online may appear different however they all employ an identical model that determines how often and how big a prize will be awarded. The model takes into account the hit rate (how often a player can win a prize on average), the distribution of small prizes small, medium, and larger ones, as well as the overall return to Player percentage. Understanding these factors can help you select the best online slots for your needs and budget.

Low variance slots are great for those with smaller funds. They can be less exciting than high-variance slots, however they are more manageable and will keep your bankroll intact for a longer period of time. High-variance slot machines however are prone to long periods without winning spins. They are more suited for experienced players that are able to afford higher risk.

One of the most adored slots with high volatility is Book of Dead, a 5-reel, 9-payline version of a classic land-based casino game that has a high RTP and a huge maximum payout of 100,000x stake. Another one is NetEnt's Dead or Alive 2 slot, a follow-up to its predecessor that features an Ancient Egypt theme and three types of free spins that come with wild upgrades.

The paytable on every slot machine is an excellent indicator of the machine's volatility, as it will tell you how much each game pays out. A quick glance at the paytable can reveal an abundance of information about how volatile the machine is, which is why it is important to read it carefully. If the gap between three and five matching symbols is large or the gap between a 3-of-a-kind and 4-of-a-kind payout is substantial, you are most likely playing a high-risk slot.


The attraction of high-variance slots is that they can to bring huge payouts if you hit the right combination. However, it is important to understand that they require patience and a larger budget to play than low volatility games. This is why they are suited to players with a lot of disposable income and a lot of patience.

The rate at which a slot pays is unpredictable, as it is dependent on the RNG. This means that the return to player (RTP) could vary greatly over time, and it isn't a precise reading for a single session. Casino games with low volatility result in smaller wins more often.

It is best to spin the machine a few times and observe the payout pattern. Look for large gaps between payouts or the amount of the top winnings in comparison to other combinations. If, for instance three of a sort offers an unsatisfactory payout, while the next prize is 6x more it's likely high-volatility.

It's also recommended to take frequent breaks while playing high-risk games. This will allow you to avoid burnout, and also make better decisions when placing bets. It is important to choose the best option for your bankroll to ensure that you don't run dry of cash before you make the big win. Lastly, don't forget to play any small wins that you earn because they can give you a boost to your bank account and prolong the time you play.

To find the best high-volatility slot games, look for licensed operators that offer players from the UK with secure and reliable gaming platforms. The websites you select should be regulated and audited by the UK Gambling Commission. The sites should also offer an efficient withdrawal and deposit method to protect your data and funds. You can check this by visiting the gambling license page of the casino or by looking for a seal issued by an independent auditor like eCOGRA.

Requires patience

Effective bankroll management is crucial when it comes to online gaming. Regardless of whether you're playing low medium, high, or variance slots, you shouldn't lose more than you're able to. It's also important not to be losing money, since this can drain your funds quickly. This is especially relevant for slots with high volatility, which can be more unpredictable and require a larger account than those with lower volatility.

If you play a high-variance slot the odds of winning will be low, but the wins you do get will be much larger than those in medium or low-variance slots. High-variance slots are more rewarding over time, but require patience from players. Typically, they're best suited to risk takers with bigger budgets.

A common misconception regarding volatility is that it's a percentage or percentage of the RTP (return to the player) for a specific slot game, but this isn't the case. The variance is an indicator of the frequency of winning in the slot machine. It's crucial for players to know what they can expect over a period of time.

The high volatility of a slot game is an important factor to take into consideration when choosing a new game. Beginners should stick with slots with low volatility, which provide regular and low payouts. This allows you to begin to build your experience by playing smaller wins before trying out a higher-volatility game.

If you're a seasoned player, a game with high-variance can be more thrilling than a low-volatility game but it also requires a higher bankroll. When playing high-variance slots it is essential to keep your budget in check. You could lose more for longer periods of time and the wins that you do get will be less.

The paytable is a good method of determining the score of a game, but it's not always true. For example the RTP for games like Chilli Heat from Pragmatic Play is listed as 3 out of 5, however this doesn't help you figure out the game's volatility.


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