Why Firesuites Is Still Relevant In 2023

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작성자 Nannie Beckwith
댓글 0건 조회 69회 작성일 24-08-13 02:25


fireplaces-and-stove-logo-png.pngFiresuites - The Perfect Way to Warm Your Home

The fireplace suite is made up of four main components: an inset fire, surround/mantelpiece, hearth and back panel. It is available in gas, electric or solid fuel.

The chosen suit must adhere to industry-specific safety standards like NFPA to guarantee adequate protection from identified hazards. For instance proximity suits are made to protect firefighters from radiant heat and molten metallic splashes.


Gas fires and suites provide the perfect solution for modern homes because they allow the flame effect as well as heat output to be regulated via a simple control within the fire. Fireplace Megastore offers a selection of gas suites from top manufacturers like Elgin & Hall and Electric Fire And Surround Suite Burley & Gazco in a range of sizes, styles and finishes to fit traditional and contemporary homes. Suites are available with a range of conventional gas-fuelled chimney flue fires or balanced flue fires that are suitable for homes that do not have chimneys.

When fitted correctly to the correct chimney opening a gas firesuite can completely transform the room. The main components of a fireplace suite are the surround/mantelpiece, hearth and back panel. Depending on the style of fire selected the surround can be made of solid or manufactured stone and is designed to compliment the fire in terms of size, colour and shape.

Traditionally, homeowners with Pre-Cast Flues had to settle for shallow inset gas fireplaces which were positioned on the top of a fireplace. But thanks to the Earlston 950 from Elgin & Hall's innovative design you can add a stylish designer marble fireplace that features the feature of a landscape gas flame that puts the flames on in the center of the. This suite is designed for flat wall installation into a Class 2 Pre-Cast Flue opening. It is available in White or Manila Micro Marble with the option of the Bauhaus fret finish or chrome finish.


Electric fire suites are available in a variety of attractive styles and finishes that add warmth to your living space and creating an impressive focal point. They do not require a chimney or flue and come with a range of features that make it an excellent choice.

During the heating process, electric fireplaces suites fireplaces use the use of a fan to draw cool air into the room and then re-heat it to the same temperature before it is released back into your room. This method is extremely energy efficient, meaning that your electric bill will be lower. The majority of models have an option to lower the level of light to create soft lighting or a calming atmosphere.

We have a huge selection of electric fire suites that will suit any interior design. You can also add an electric fireplace to your conservatory with one of our gorgeous surrounds. This is ideal for a contemporary or modern look. You can also use our bespoke service to create a beautiful fireplace that perfectly matches the style of your home.

Our vast range includes an array of electric suites that feature high-end flames that look and feel like real ones. LED lights are used to create flames, which are cost-effective and have a realistic appearance. You can alter the settings and brightness of the LED lights to meet your personal preferences. You can even pick a glowing log.

App control is available on a few of our electronic suites for convenience and ease of use. The Smart eControl App is free to download and lets you control your electric fireplace by simply pressing the button.

Solid Fuel

The most authentic, natural and cozy option to warm your home, a solid-fuel fire suite will give you the roaring sound that can't be replicated by a gas or electric fire. Our selection of traditional and contemporary designs with open fronts will suit any décor that ranges from rustic cottages to contemporary urban living. We also have a broad selection of inserts that can be inserted into existing hearths to allow for a quick and simple installation.

A fireplace suite consists of four main elements: an inset fire, surround/mantelpiece and a back panel as well as a hearth. Traditional electric or gas fires provide different flame pictures and heat outputs, whereas solid fuel stoves are a great option for homes with a chimney. Balanced flue fires, specifically designed for homes without chimneys, are a great alternative to open fires.

Solid fuel fireplaces have an ash pan or grate underneath the fire, which holds the coal, wood or any other solid fuel. They are available in a variety of finishes to match your home, ranging from limestone and marble to cast iron and wood. Some come with a back panel that adds more character to the room while others require a separate hearth.

Our new 2021 electric fire suites are available in a variety of colours and come with the latest LED technology to give breathtaking views of the flames. Our latest design, the Sholus is a stunning model that has a unique Cinderwood Log effect and is among our best-selling electric fire And Surround suite fire suites. Select the Gazco eStudio Arosa and Cerreto 140 for a contemporary look. Both are easy to install, and have a modern, open fronted aesthetic.


A luxurious fireplace suite brings a sense of grandeur and style to any room and is the perfect centerpiece for your living space. A luxury fireplace suite is distinct from a standard electric or gas fireplace that can be placed in the standard opening. It has a wider frame that can enhance the flames and add an elegant look.

The Farnham Deluxe is one of our most requested suites. It features stunning Chollerton inset electric fireplace available in chrome or black nickel. The sleek glass-fronted design makes the fire's captivating flame performance stand out.

The Waney Ashford Solid Oak Electric Suite is a combination of rustic charm and traditional style and comes with a choice of different Marble Hearth and Back Panel Sets to match your decor. It is finished with the classic Pureglow Blenheim Gas Fire, this suite adds authentic character and warmth to your living space.

Another instance is another example is the Winchester Electric Suite The Winchester Electric Suite is contemporary and stylish, with a stunning Brockenhurst gas fireplace and a premium marble hearth. The suite is available in three sizes so you can pick the ideal size for your home.

There are many options available whether you want to purchase a luxurious fire suite for your home or an appropriate suit to ensure your safety in dangerous situations. It is important to think about the type of environment and the amount of heat exposure prior to deciding which firesuit is right for you.

Aluminized fire suits offer excellent protection against extreme temperatures and are designed to be air-conditioned. They are also lighter than proximity suits and are often used in places where employees must be able to move around freely. Proximity suit is, however, is designed to provide greater protection and is often employed for foundries and firefighting where workers are near to extreme heat sources.


Fire suites are a great focal point for any room. They provide both function and style. Designed as an entire package, they include all four elements of a fireplace, including the surround/mantelpiece, hearth and back panel sets and fire, electric Fire and surround Suite and are guaranteed to operate in harmony to create a luxuriously extravagant centre piece.

Durability is an important consideration when purchasing fire suits. Investing in durability can reduce the long-term costs, and save money on repurchasing costs until the end of the garment's lifecycle-ideally 5-10 years. It's also crucial to consider how well the garment is capable of enduring industrial washing, which is an important factor in maintaining its safety standards compliance and overall longevity.

Aluminized Fire Suits

Aluminized firesuits are constructed to shield you from radiant heat, molten metal splashes and other radiant loads. The outer layer is treated with aluminum. These suits are frequently used in workplaces where employees are exposed to direct sunlight and high temperatures.

Proximity Firesuits

Most often, they are used in specific industries, such as industrial and aerospace kilns. proximity fire suits offer superior insulation over the aluminized suits available. These suits are constructed to withstand high temperatures by incorporating advanced insulation materials like a quilted Nomex fabric.

Deluxe Electric Suite

A luxurious electric suite is a popular choice for modern homes. It features a wider surround that enhances the flame effect and creates a focal point in any room. This stunning suite comes with the Walton Marble Fireplace and the Flavel Windsor Modern Gas Fire. It has a sleek contemporary aesthetic which will look stunning in any living room.


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