Childrens Bunk Beds With Wardrobe: What No One Is Talking About

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작성자 Ward Gatliff
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Childrens Bunk Beds With Wardrobe

Bunk beds that have built-in wardrobes are a great solution to maximize space in shared children's rooms. These bunk beds are a fantastic option for both boys and girls bedrooms.

Children should be at minimum 6 years old to be able to use the top bunk. It's also crucial to consider the ceiling height.

This Maxtrix bunk bed for children features a stylish storage feature. A convenient footboard drawer neatly organizes toys, clothes and bedding, creating a tidy bedroom environment.

Trasman Barca

A striking bunk bed with plenty of storage from Trasman, this set of children's bunk bed with wardrobe is perfect for a bedroom for kids. This unique bunk bed is finished in Cacina Oak and features accent panels in white, pink, or blue. It also includes a large storage compartment at the bottom of the bed and a two-door wardrobe with shelving and a clothes rack.

Created to create two distinct sleeping areas, this bunk can be constructed with the lower bed either offset to the left or right, which is decided upon assembly. The double wardrobe was designed to make space by having large pull-out storage drawers which can be used to store clothing and bedding.

Manufactured in Melamine, this bunk is durable and easy to clean. The bunk bed for kids can be decorated with a range of fun wallpapers or fabrics to complement the decor of your child's room. This bunk bed takes two European single sized mattresses (not included). Home assembly is required. If the option of home assembly is chosen, you will be contacted 3-5 working days before your delivery date to arrange a convenient time slot. If you'd like this service to be completed, choose the home assembly option box when adding to cart.


Kids' bunk beds with wardrobes are a fashionable solution to maximize your child's room. Instead of taking up valuable floor space by having an additional storage unit These bunk beds have an expansive wardrobe that can be used to store bedding, clothes and toys. This allows for more space to play. Many styles include additional clothing storage under the bed to make the most of your child's bedroom space. These beds are ideal for shared bedrooms where sleepovers are frequent or 849827;, for siblings sharing rooms.

Be mindful of the safety of your child before choosing a bunkbed with wardrobe. Make sure your child is able to climb the ladder safely. This usually happens about six years old. You should also make sure your children are accustomed to being in the top bunk and are not afraid of falling out of bed during the night.

If your kids are not ready to share a bed with stairs then you can consider the loft bunk bed instead. They are just as secure and give your children more space to grow and play in their rooms. They can be paired with a trundle bed for additional sleeping options.

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If you're looking for a loft or bunk bed that is easy on your wallet, check out the Timothy collection. This modern bunk comes with a modern, stylish look. It comes in two color schemes that can be matched with any decor. This is a great choice for families looking to save money and give their children the bedroom they desire.

Flair Furnishings

A bunk bed with wardrobe can really help to make the most of the space in your kids bedroom. This storage solution is ideal for rooms with shared spaces where each child needs their own space to store their toys and clothes and also a space to study or play. This storage option is perfect for families with more than one child because it comes with plenty of drawers and shelving to keep their space neat and tidy.

Bunk beds can be found in a variety of styles to meet the needs of your children. They can be set up to hold twin or full-sized mattresses, depending on your preference and the age of your children. These beds are made of solid metal and are powder coated in a variety colors to match your child's room decor. Wooden bunk beds are also available with a variety of finishes that can be stained, painted, or polished to match your children's style.

One of the most sought-after bunk bed designs with built in wardrobe storage is the Zoom Bunk Bed from Flair Furnishings. This modern bunk bed features an elegant two-door wardrobe built into it, maximizing the space in your child's bedroom. The wardrobe is stocked with shelves and is fully lined to keep all of your children's shoes, clothes bags, bags, and other items in one, easily accessible area. This bunk bed is suitable in both girl and boy's bedrooms.

Flair Furnishings are a leading UK supplier of high-end beds and furniture for children. They offer an extensive selection to choose from, including Mid Sleeper Beds, High Sleeper Beds, Cabin Beds and even Ottoman beds. They employ their highly skilled team of designers as well as rigorous testing to ensure that their high quality furniture meets the highest standards.

Trasman White

This stunning bunk bed from Trasman White offers an integrated wardrobe as well as under bed storage. The wardrobe with two doors has a full width hanging rail as well as a variety of shelves of a large size. It is completed by two large pull out storage drawers under the bunk's bottom.

The bed is made of solid furniture chipboard with an oak-like finish that is complemented by melamine. This makes it an ideal bunk bed for boys as well as girls. It's also extremely flexible, as the lower bed can be adjusted to the left or the right side of the frame.

This bunk bed for children with wardrobe can be turned around to fit in nearly any room. It provides two separate sleeping areas and even can accommodate lamps in the lower bunk. The bedroom is tidy and neat with the ample storage space. The wardrobe doors and drawers open effortlessly thanks to full-length runners wheels. This bunk bed is self-assembled and when home assembly is chosen, you will be contacted via email or text message 3 to 5 working days prior to delivery with an estimated time slot.


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